I m26 never been on any dating apps before but wanted to finnaly try it out. Only thing keeping me back is that I don’t really have any good or interesting pictures of myself and usually look terrible in photos. I don’t really have any friends that can take any of me, and would kinda feel weird asking them.

Any tips? I do have a tripod but i use my phone as a camera. I also not sure where to take them or what kind would get the best matches. I know I’m kinda over thinking this but its pretty much based on looks and I’m just an average looking guy.

  1. Go to a nice restraint and while you’re in the bathroom take some selfies when no one is around. Same shit women do. Also one trick with selfies, after you take them try flipping them in the edit phase, sometimes you look better from the other angle.

  2. I don’t like seeing a profile full of selfies. Especially if the person is taking it from the same angle, pulling the same face etc. One is ok if there are other kinds of photos too.
    Tripod and self timer. Make it look like someone has taken the pic for you!

  3. 1. Try all the tshirt and shirts you have, see which ones make your face look better (eg : yellow looks horrible on me and red/maroon looks best).
    2. Find a place which is well lit : restaurant washroom , boutique changing room, malls, parks ,beaches. If you are using outdoor space take photos morning or evening when the sun is not high(as it creates shadows).
    3. Mount it at a height like on a table or on top of your car or tripod, look at the camera , loosen your shoulders, think of a happy memory and smile slightly(not forced).
    4. You can look at the camera or look somewhere else but have a relaxed pose( when you have your favorite person/book/food etc).
    5. Sometimes it feels awkward to have empty hands so have a beverage or book or lean on something.

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