This person was a very minor friend/classmate/acquaintance whom I have on socials from 2017. What should I say in my message for the best chances of it leading to something long term?

I was thinking of starting with something as simple as ‘Hey, xxxxx! It’s been a while, but how are you doing? How are things?’

How can I make this better?

  1. Message them to say that you were organizing your contacts list recently and realized that you haven’t talked with them in some time. Say you thought it would be great to catch up. Leave it at that.

  2. I just did this. I felt like she was the one that got away. I texted exactly as you stated you were thinking to do. It worked out great! In between her failed marriage and other relationships she says she’s had me on her mind also even though 15yrs had gone by. Feels just like yesterday how we reminisced. GL OP! GL to me too!

  3. You should tread lightly. Sometimes people can change into people that you don’t want anything to do with during a 5-7 year span. The person you were in love with years ago can be a completely different person that you may not like.

  4. I’ve finally worked up the courage to talk to you after 5 years and spending multiple hours a day thinking about you….here I am!

  5. Good question, been thinking about someone too for prob 4-5 years, don’t think I’m in a good space personally mentally at the moment and would probably only act on something if I met her in person

  6. What you have is perfect. Theres no special phrasing that will maximise the chances of getting into a relationship, just talk to them. Be earnest but chill.

  7. I kinda just did this yesterday. I am not interested in romance but I just said hey, you popped in my head so sayin g hello.

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