I know it was stupid of us to do this and not thinking beforehand. My boyfriend and I were having fun and thingd escalated where we ended up nude rubbing our genitals together with me being on top of him. He never went inside me and he didn’t cum. It’s been about 2 weeks and I’ve been extremely fearful for the last couple days, throwing up, crying, and just incredibly anxious that I’m pregnant. Can someone give me a bit more insight or help me ease my mind? Could I be pregnant? Am I pregnant? I’m incredibly scared.

  1. You have a not 0% chance of being pregnant, that being said it is so close to zero it might as well be.
    You’ll be okay, good luck with your boy friend, and remember it’s natural to want sex most people do. Just be careful and have fun.

  2. If he didn’t cum you’re fine. But be careful of pre-ejaculate if you were genital-on-genital. Take a test if you’re nervous, but I feel like you’re probably fine.

  3. The odds of you managing to be pregnant are non-zero, but low. But honestly, you are going to feel stressed until you get a test. Go buy a few, make sure to read the instructions and follow them to the letter.

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