
Thanks to all for the input. The answer is clear, the hiring company isn’t at fault. And that’s fine, I think it just helps me with the decision of “do I put 100% into the job” or “do I put some time into contingency planning if it doesn’t work out”.

Given the timing, will go 100% till the new year, then reassess. Although there’s work out there, I’m relatively specialised so new year, new budgets and new restructures makes a big difference unless I make a career jump.



I recently started a new job, leaving a company I’d worked at for 7 years. The old job, while I wanted to leave, was stable and well paid.

The new job is turning out to be a bit strange. There’s simply no work to be done, I’m apparently expected to bring in work for myself although I was not hired as Sales and have no experience in Sales.

My question is, if I’m let go because I am not successful in creating work for myself, is there any legal case to make that I was wrongfully hired? My loss will be any time it takes to get a new job, in a market that’s getting increasingly challenging.

  1. Nope, it’s a terrible situation, an employer can pretty much do whatever they want while you’re in your first two years. Try and find new a job now while you still have an income.

  2. I literally left a job and was excited to start my new job. The job I was leaving was very stable and decent pay but I decided it was time. I’ve now been through 3 jobs in 6 months and I HOPE now, this is the one.

    The first was just beyond belief. Just sat in a corner all day with a phone book. They’ve never done sales, don’t know the first thing about sales and telling me, a very decent seller, this is how to do sales. It was not. I lasted 5 weeks.
    2nd job I absolutely loved, what pushed me over the edge was the director commenting on things I was doing and how many times I went to the loo. Yep, gone.
    This last job is doing exactly the same as the one before, one the road, based at home, doing as I see fit.
    They dropped my company car off the other day so I’m praying that this is a green flag lol

    Good luck love. It’s not easy x

  3. I don’t think so, you’ll be in your probation period so the thing to do is just search for a new job and quit, plenty of jobs out there ATM

  4. Did you accidentally stumble into one of the Big 4 (or a similar consulting firm) like I did? Brought in as a subject matter expert on a very specific topic, only to find out they have no work for me. I’m expected to get them business, and they’ve been judging my performance as inadequate because I have to magic up business in an area they have no previous expertise in. None of this was mentioned anywhere during application or interview.

    Fun times.

  5. Have you asked to shadow the various departments or teams? Not sure if you’re an internal consultant or meant to be a subject expert for clients? Could do a review of past and existing work/clients to see where value was lost.

    I was in a similar situation in marketing for a start up and found new/extra work for myself within management putting my past experiences and MBA to use – but it did take some extra “footwork” to do so.

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