When men say: “We should do this again sometime!” Fact or crap?

  1. Situational honestly. I’ve said it to be polite but meant it just never followed through. Other times I did. If someone says that to you hit them up. Let them know you wanna do the same and likely you will hang out again

  2. Case by case. For me, I’ll say it if I mean it. I’m not one to sugarcoat if I’m disinterested lmao

  3. Yes, it is either meant honestly or dishonestly.

    What were you expecting? That all men think the same and use this phrase the same way?

  4. UK checking in. Over here that phrase means “I hope I never ever set eyes on you ever again”

  5. Bullshit; you’ll never see him again.

    If he really wanted to see you again, he’d make plans right then and there.

  6. Generally I genuinely would be happy to do it again, but unless I follow up pretty quick (sometimes literally the next sentence) it also means I am not excited enough about the prospect to make it happen myself. It’s like an invitation to offer if you want to, whereas if you don’t follow up either I’ll assume it’s not a priority for either of us.

  7. When I say it I mean it and I’m hoping you’ll suggest a date and time, because I’m pretty flexible.

  8. if said to a woman, crap. if i really wanted to do it again, id offer a specific day/time/place.

    if said to another man, fact

  9. To me that’s, “hit me up first if you want to chill, otherwise it’ll be some time”

  10. If I’m suggesting it, it’s a fact. I’ve never understood the need to say shit like that without any intent of actually following through. Open to someone explaining it to me btw

  11. hmmm. i wanna say cap. but i think it depends. if i say it and mean it, i’ll text later on and repeat it. if not, it’ll be brushed off and never talked about again.

  12. Whenever I’ve said it, I meant it. And I haven’t said it when I didn’t feel it. Can’t speak for everyone though.

  13. That could go both ways. I’ve said it and meant it and also said it and hoped to never see them again. The latter because the former is often sincere.

  14. huh?
    Why would someone say this, with the “!” if they didn’t mean it and why can’t you accept it?

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