My Boyfriend ( M 22 ) and I ( F 22 ) of 7 years broke up . I was not happy in the relationship anymore . I mentally checked out of the relationship the love wasn’t there anymore for about a year due to some issue related to him talking to girls and communication . He just wasn’t giving me the effort I was putting into the relationship so I broke up with him .

4 month Into the breakup I started talking to this guy who I knew in middle going into high school . We didn’t talk much but he did became good friends with my ex boyfriend . Also to mention I met my boyfriend in high school .

I received a message from this guy and he admit to me that he liked me . Me and this guy were talking we vibe really well we had things in common were looking for the same thing when it came to a relationship . We would message day and night I became really interested in him .

He kept wanting to meet up and wanted to take me out on a date but I kept saying no . Wasn’t ready for that step but also was stopping myself cause I would feel guilty to go out with someone my ex was really good friends with So Me and this guy stopped talking he just kept rushing things and I decided I wasn’t ready .

At the same time my ex wanted to make things up and wanted to fix our relationship so he asked me out . I went out with him we talked and wanted to start over so I gave him the chance after the million chances I have gave him . part of that decision had to do with my parents. my mom and I were talking and she was telling me how he really likes him for me and so on . And my dad would tell him that he’s his buddy . But a big part of it has to do with me moving on . I’ve never been with anyone else . And I felt to comfortable with my ex and now boyfriend. But also scared of judgement when people when they were to see my ex friends and I were to have a thing when I already feel bad to feeling interested in the guy

I’m currently still with my ex but I can’t get the guy I was talking to out of my head . Idk what to do :(((((

TL; DR : broke up with my ex who I was with for 7 years and started talking to one of his good high school friends during the period I was broken up with my ex . But ended up going back to my toxic ex but can’t get for the guy I was talking to out of my head

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