My orgasms have always been pretty dull, like 1 sec enjoyment and then that’s it. What can we as males do to have something similar to a woman’s orgasm

  1. You should [wake up your prostate]( The orgasms you’ll experience once your prostate is engaged will be an order of magnitude more powerful than anything you have ever experienced before.


    * A penile orgasm accompanied by prostate stimulation is very powerful. (These are sometimes called “blended orgasms”.)
    * Prostate orgasms are very powerful and you can have multiple sustained orgasms in the same way that a person with a clitoris can have them.


    It takes time to learn how to do it and, like any sexual activity, it is more intense with your partner. If you think this is something you’re interested in, go to r/prostateplay for more information.

  2. Cannabis. And lots of stimulation (visual or physical) before allowing yourself to cum. Get close, slow down or stop. Then build up again but don’t let yourself cum. Give yourself 30-60 minutes of that and see how it goes. My orgasms last around 20-40 seconds or so depending on the occasion. ♥️

  3. Breathing. If you can control your breathing, you can have amazing orgasms. There’s a reason people are into auto-erotic asphyxiation…not that I condone or recommend it. I’ve had some intense orgasms just holding off and controlling my breathing

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