Look. It’s a pretty generic question but if I’m asking for help on reddit you know it’s gotten bad (no offense I actually love reddit a lot of the time). Anyway, I’ve been friends casually with this girl for about a year. I’ve liked her for all of it, but I’ve been cool lately just being friends. For a while we were friends in more of a group setting, but recently stuff has changed. She broke up with her boyfriend cause he was toxic, and since then we’ve been getting really close really fast. I recommended her an album I like as well as a book I’ve read, and she’s started talking to me about it privately a lot. This might sound normal but bare in mind that in the past we’ve usually just talked on a groupchat, even if it only concerns 2 people. In addition, I hung out with her 1 on 1 at night in the downtown area of my city after visiting her work (which she invited me to) and it was awesome. Like it wasn’t awkward at all we hit it off. She also invited me to a “listening party” of the new album of a band we both like (1 on 1, in her house). When we text or talk in person 1 on 1 it’s always a great time. I feel like the funniest guy in the world around her. Of this friend group chat we’re in, I’m the only one she texts every day privately. We’ve also started sending each other voice memos every day of how we’re doing, which I’ve never done with any friend of mine. All the signs I’ve seen (there’s more but this is pretty long already) it looks like she likes me, but then again I’ve never had a female friend this close, so I could just be overthinking it. I’m a junior in high school, never dated, so this kinda thing is new to me. I feel like I’d be sure she likes me if it wasn’t her. She’s a popular girl who’s friends with everyone for the most part, but she’s said herself that over the past few weeks I’ve “become one of the most important people in her life”. It could be that she’s just incredibly nice (she is). She’s also been shying away from referring to me specifically as a friend, as seen from the quote before. This could be fairly standard guy/female friend behavior to some, and I’m just overthinking this, but bare in mind for most of highschool I’ve been a bit reserved and I’m not used to having close female friends. I know the best way to find out would be to ask her, but I need to know if it’s a good idea. Sorry if this post is confusing I’m just so incredibly confused about EVERYTHING. Thanks

1 comment
  1. She’s definitely enjoying more than a friendship, but that doesn’t mean this won’t all go away the next time she starts dating someone.

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