I have this friend who sends me a lot of stuff and tags me in a lot across all my social media accounts, which is fine, but sometimes it gets overwhelming to reply to them all. Her social battery is like unlimited and I just want to hide, tbh. I’m at the point where I’m pretending to not have any online presence for a while, because I don’t want to reply to her so bad but I also don’t want them to know I don’t.

  1. You can’t set an effective boundary without other people knowing you set a boundary. So, suck it up and set a boundary.

    You tell her “Rebecca-Jane, I really appreciate how much you include me in your life, but my social battery works very differently and I can’t handle this much attention from many sources. Please let’s agree on one medium (you tell her your preferred medium) for our communication and limit conversation to 1 time per (hour/day/week/month, whatever you are comfortable with)”.

  2. Yep, communicate that you have a boundary. Don’t just cut them or block them without saying anything that’s poor communication skills on your part.

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