How the hell did you all pull yourself up from absolute zero with no help?? Bravo to those that did, seriously. You did the impossible.

Right now, i hate my job, hate the people I work with to the point i have to remove myself from them at times in order to NOT knock some teeth out, currently staying with Moms because of some unfortunate bs, car hanging on but barely, no degree, debt hanging over my head 24/7, lost most of my friends so now I do literally everything by myself, don’t have any more connections in the work force, had to dump savings to get car fixed and now I’m debating leaving my job and everything else, etc.

Feels like I’m missing something because I truly don’t not see this getting better or how it even could without a miracle or a very generous stranger.

Sorry for the rant, no where else to go

  1. I’m going to make a suggestion. And you’re not gonna like it.

    The first step out of where you are now is internal, not external. And it’s an *infuriatingly* simple but effective tool.

    Watch this video. Come back and let me know your thoughts and we can continue from there.

  2. A job that pays a decent wage will solve MANY of your problems. Not saying you need a college degree. There are plenty of careers that don’t require a degree. Local or state government, labor unions, etc.

  3. I grew up poor in a trailer, I’m now very solid middle class with a 6 figure job.

    I compare it to my thru hike. 8 years ago I hiked from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian trail. 2200 miles. I accomplished this by doing nothing more than putting one foot in front of the other. Some days I could crush it, some days I barely moved a mile. Regardless, every day I made some progress toward my goal.

    Accomplishing your goal is more about perseverance and determination than anything else. It’s a long game, not a sprint. Only compare yourself to where you were yesterday, last week, last month, last year.

    You’ll have set backs and find yourself behind where you were, but as long as you make a tiny bit of progress consistently over time, you’ll catch back and eventually you will end up where you want to be.

  4. Determination and not letting things stop you. Some are more successful at this than others. I can bet you can guess which of those people are more successful in life.

    I had a little help along the way, but not much. I was poor growing up. Alcoholic father. Abusive mother. I’m not doing great, but I’m doing alright.

    My wife is the daughter of two drug addicts. Molested as a kid. Raped as a teen. Bounced around from house to house as a kid because they had no money. She, though, had a dream of being a lawyer and never let anything stop her from achieving that dream a few years ago.

  5. This is the very distilled version:

    1. Learn an in demand skill. If you’re tech inclined, you can learn everything you need on YouTube.
    2. Get an entry level job that uses your skill set.
    3. Work as hard as you can. Prioritize becoming an expert in that skill set.
    4. Switch companies every 2 -3 years for massive pay bumps (this may be less applicable to non-tech industries). Don’t count on being promoted, even if the company talks about promoting from within.

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