[English isn’t my native language]
I (F18) have been going out with this guy (20) for the past few weeks and we’ve been talking for about 2-3 months. Now, keep in mind that I have a very rough dating/relationship past and I’m really traumatised by certain past experiences.

This guy though is nothing like my exes or any guy I’ve ever met. He’s my type, he’s caring, loving, very communicative and overall perfect for me.

Today tho, we discussed our pasts with relationships. I briefly told him what happened in my abusive 2 year relationship and then he started talking about his ex. He went in a lot of detail about it (Keep in mind he’s an open book and always goes into detail when talking) and then he explained their breakup.

So basically, everything in the relationship were great (he even said that this relationship became a standard to him) and that it was healthy etc etc but they had to break up because she had to move to another city for he college.

I didn’t ask how long this relationship was but I know it’s been a year since then.

He could tell that I had become very nervous and had a disturbed look on my face. I decided to be completely honest and explain the way I felt.

So my opinion, breaking up because one of you has to move out never really lets you get over them because you know that you’d still be together if the circumstances were different. It’s no one’s fault the relationship ended. (btw he kinda mentioned that it was HER who didn’t want a ldr.)

He went on to explain that he wouldn’t get back with her because they’ve grown apart now and they have become completely different people. He told me that he likes me for me and that I don’t remind him of her. (these were answers to my questions) He was very visibly frustrated and started naming things he likes about me with a smile on his face. He kept saying “I hope this wasn’t a dealbreaker” and “I hope I can see you again”.

Then, it was time for me to leave and I simply told him goodnight. He put his palms together and begged for one chance. My response was “Give me some time so I can think about it” and blah blah he said goodnight and I nodded.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting and I’m really confused. I don’t know what to do. He has literally shown 0 red flags up until now and has treated me very nicely but today he dropped the biggest bomb.

I’ve always been saying that breaking up because of moving out is the biggest red flag and the worst possible way to breakup because it forces you to heal (if you even manage). Keep in mind that he went into a “promiscuous phase” after her for a couple months.

I have no idea. Is he over her? Am I a replacement? Is my reaction a trauma response because I’m scared of getting myself hurt again? What should I do? Could this be my brain making excuses so I can leave him and avoid getting hurt?

TL;DR I met the perfect guy but he confessed that he only broke up with his ex (1 year ago) because she had to move out for college. He claims to be over her. Is this a dealbreaker?

1 comment
  1. You are completely overreacting here.

    He is telling you and showing you that he wants to be with you. It’s been over a year since that relationship ended.

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