How much do you believe in the saying that “there is something attractive about every man” and there will always be someone who is a match for him?

  1. I believe every person has the ability to create and build on attractive qualities.

    I do not believe everyone has been doing that.

    If he starts doing that, then someone will appreciate it.

  2. This is going to sound very crass but I don’t mean it to be…

    If you watch television shows such as My 600-lb Life, botched, documentaries on people with neurological disabilities, or any of the other things seen as non-typical you begin to notice that many of them have partners who love them for who they are.

    So it would stand to reason that there should be somebody out there for everybody. I think the most important thing is where one looks for their potential match that makes a huge difference.

  3. What I think about that is:

    * Over-simplified. Humans are much more complex than that, and human *society* is much more complex than that.
    * Disney-level nonsense. From an evolutionary standpoint, there *isn’t* ‘someone for everyone’.
    * For what it’s worth, people in general (male, female, and otherwise) should develop themselves in such a way that they’re okay with themselves enough that they know they can live productive, happy lives *without* a significant other. **In my opinion** if you ‘need’ to be in a relationship with someone in order to feel ‘complete’ then something went wrong for you somewhere; it’s okay to *want* someone in your life, but if you absolutely *need* someone then that’s not so good.

  4. Never heard of the first part either, and it rings very hollow. The second one I *have* heard and it’s demonstrably false.

    For most people, nothing is certain or a given, especially in this area.

  5. I have literally never heard of this saying. And if there is indeed such a saying, then the person who came up with is delusional.

  6. I think there’s something to it. I’ve befriended a few guys in the past whom I wasn’t really attracted to physically, but the more I got to know and like them, the more my perception changed. I actually became physically attracted to them and we ended up having decent relationships.

    I know not everybody has that ability, but I’m certain I’m not the only person.

  7. There are women out there going crazy for serial killers. So yes, there probably is someone for everyone.

    Doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll ever meet each other.

  8. Attraction and dating are two different though similar things.

    I’ve had A LOT of women attracted to me.. but definitely would not want to date me. Being different and not fitting in definitely turns people off.

  9. There is certainly someone for everyone, though there is certainly improvements each person can make about themselves to improve their future relationship, now!

  10. >there will always be someone who is a match for him

    This has never been true in history and even more: It has never been true in all of nature. Men are mainly the ones who will die without any offspring and with modern dating rituals we see an ever greater number of men without any romantic relationships and intimacy at all.

  11. Observe and you’ll know the answer.

    We’re all afraid of loneliness and carry a lot of other shit around and pair up with others to act out our dramas and settle to not feel lonely.

  12. Yeah I would say probably every guy has a match. The issue is they’re guys out there with way less matches than others. On a planet of 8 billion even if you have 100,000 matches you’ll probably never meet.

  13. Lol it’s literally platitude pie in the sky bullshit created to make people who suck feel better and the people who say it to feel better about how virtuous they are being.

  14. Nobody is bad entirely, but they shouldn’t rely too much on this fact.

    A better saying would be “Every person is capable of *becoming* somebody great”

    We focus too much on judging things as they are/appear (being), and too little on the possibilities which are hidden in them (becoming)

  15. I don’t believe this.

    Some people are so unlikable it’s hard or me to imagine what’s attractive about them, but more importantly I don’t believe there’s always a match for someone out there. That’s because meeting people is a big numbers game based on chance, lot of people on here would say the same, but in my personal experience I always seem to meet people that only use me for my usefulness and forget all about me when they’ve moved on to something more interesting. My last ex only took from me, I can hardly think of what she ever did for me. So I don’t believe *everybody* has a match

  16. I have a friend who I know would be a great partner but he has unflattering facial features.

    I don’t believe he’ll find a match. The women who’d be his type have way more options than he does.

  17. It’s probably true, but I can’t imagine a world without hating myself so I refuse to believe.

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