There is this girl I have loved for years. I never told her how I felt, until one day she said she liked me. I was overjoyed. We have talked every single day for the past 3 months. The only problem is, she moved. She lives thousands of miles away. And she told me she liked me after she moved. She has only visited once so far. We did an activity with friends. Both of us wanted to do something like hold hands, but we were both too nervous of what the other would think. And none of us brought up what we were thinking; or flirted during her 1 day visit. We didn’t learn both of us were thinking those things until after she left. I noticed things have slowed down since then. I asked her yesterday and she said she is unsure about her feelings. She said it’s really hard to tell because she has only seen me once since she told me and because we are so far apart she’s just not sure. She is moving back next year. But I went online and searched some articles on the topic. I haven’t posted anything yet, this will be my first post. But I saw that we shouldn’t talk 24/7. I told her maybe we should distance a little. We still talk just not every minute of the day. I haven’t been flirting so I don’t sound desperate. I have been being really kind when we call. I love this girl more than anyone or anything in the entire universe. What is something I can say to win her heart without directly flirting or saying “I love you”. And am I making the right decision? Please only post serious answers, please help.

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