For context I’m 16, my mom has a friend that has a daughter that’s around my age (15) and we have hanged out a few times together. The few times we’ve hanged out I’ve only probably mustered up the courage to exchange a few convo started that fell flat.

I tried getting to know her by asking if she was into any tv shows and she said she doesn’t really watch that many tv shows, she mostly just watches YouTube so I tried to ask what YouTubers she liked watching to see if we had watched similar people and she just said she liked watching asmr so I asked what type of asmr and mentioned I enjoyed watching mukbangs and she said she didn’t know their names. I couldn’t think of anything else to start up a conversation so we just awkwardly sat in silence

What can I bring up that’s s better conversation starter ?

1 comment
  1. I think a good way to keep the conversation going is to know things to talk about. That’s how people find you interesting, if you know a bunch of stuff and are confident in sharing it.

    That doesn’t mean you blurt out whatever comes to your mind but actually read about whatever you find interesting.

    One thing I see you are doing right is to ask questions about what the other person likes but if you don’t get much response maybe try sharing what you know about it.

    If it’s not going far, I think the other person is either not interested in talking to you or they’re also in a similar boat and don’t know how to keep a conversation going. At that point, I’d say maybe try other kinds of communication or indulge in activities like doing something together that might help the other person open up.

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