What I’m getting at is, is your home together a place you rest and recharge together, or can you only rest while away from her? How old is your relationship?

  1. My wife is tired more often than me, so I can always relax with her. If anything, I had to learn to relax with her.

  2. This is going to vary from person to person. For me, if I want to relax, I go to my computer room and listen to music and just kind of stare off into space while playing games or browsing the web. I’m usually good after about an hour, then it’s back into the daily life grind.

  3. We’ve been together four years. I can totally relax with her, with her sleeping next to me, with her sleeping in another room, and with her not home. We can both relax in all situations.

    I think it’s important to relax with and without them.

  4. She is another person so depends what mood she is in. Ultimately I can say that I just want to chill for a bit in any given scenario and she will accommodate that. Same goes vice versa. 12 years.

    She is a human capable of understanding words so I can just say what I want or what way I wants things to be and we can talk about that if that works for both of us.

  5. It depends on what I want to do to relax. If I’m playing video games I’ll usually do it alone, but TV we usually watch together.

  6. I’m a loaner who needs weeks of alone time, but if the partner is the right one, we can relax together 95% times. Other 5% of the times I will still need my 100% alone time.

  7. It varies, because men are individuals with different needs.

    Sometimes I want to just be with her even if she’s doing something, sometimes I prefer solitude to unwind.

  8. Both.

    29 year relationship. Relax together is good. But, there are times when “me time” is required. Having alone time to decompress is good for you as well.

  9. If I want to relax, I’ll relax – if she’s there with me, she’s with me. She is under no obligation to relax with me, just as I’m under no obligation to relax with her. We’ve been together a year and a half (roughly).

  10. “She won’t let you” should be the first deal-breaker. Say it again to yourself. Sloooowly. Keep saying that till your brain pieces that sentence together. Reeeeally mull that phrase over.

  11. I don’t get chance to ‘chill’. Feet up on the sofa usually means for her a chance to just lean/lie on me. I try to chill by gaming and there’s always something I’ve ‘forgotten’ to do. I can’t go for a drive because she has to come with. I can’t just lie in bed reading a book because she thinks I’m ‘in a mood with her’ which just makes me immediately angry and then I AM in a mood. So I just keep busy…

  12. We’ve been together for almost two years. I do recharge with her and I love cuddling with her and just unwinding from my day. But we have set up our apartment in a way that allows us both a quiet space to get away from each other and be alone with our hobbies and ourselves. I guess it just depends on what I need in the moment when it comes to resting and recharging with her or doing that alone

  13. Been with my current so for almost 10 years and it honestly depends some days we just chill and relax together especially if we have no kids for the night or she will chill watching TV and I chill doing one of my hobbies.

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