So I’m meeting this girl for a few weeks now and I think we both really enjoyed it. It came to intimacy really quick but I showed her very clearly that I’m not only interested in her body and enjoy talking and hanging out with here as much as having sex with her. We met a lot, texted each other a lot and called each other quite often.

So for the past few days it dried up a little bit. Not in that way that I was afraid of her losing interest but I was still curious about why we didn’t speak as much on the phone or why she didn’t text me anymore or doesn’t engage in the conversation as much. So I asked her and she told me that everything’s fine and that she just thinks we were moving things too fast, she just needed some time for herself and didn’t wanna become too attached to me.

I have absolutely no problem with that and she should take all the time she needs for herself but I never heard this from a girl before and was a bit afraid that she just isn’t honest about her feelings or something like that. I’m not too attached to her or everything but I just don’t want to waste my time. So I watched some videos and had read some articles regarding this topic just to know how the situation looks like.

And here comes my problem. All these articles and videos basically said that she is seeing other guys and wants to keep me in case her other options aren’t available. Some came up with some black pill type shit that she wanna spends time with some alphas and that I’m a “beta provider” or something like that she wants to keep warm without really engaging with me. Others said that it is basically over and I should move on. And that is completely different from what I thought about the situation. I thought that I should just give her space and take things a bit slower so she feels more comfortable about the situation and that there is no actual problem with me. In one Video somebody said that how I think about the situation is ignorant bluepill behaviour or whatever.

See, I don’t wanna waste my time on someone who isn’t sure about things, I just wanna have fun and see were things are heading. So what am I supposed to believe now, everything I heard was just that I’m already getting played but she’s really nice and all so I wouldn’t think that she is doing this typa stuff but they all say that you can’t trust women and I’m just so confused.

1 comment
  1. yeah, you fucked up. she was fine with just having fun until you brought in heavy feelings. learn to read women better.

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