I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now, and things have been great in our sex life. It’s fulfilling and I’m very turned on by him. We both enjoy when he sucks on my nipples. But recently, there was an instance where I was lying on top of him and he was sucking my nipples, and the thought crossed my mind that I felt somewhat like a cow having her nipples milked.

I discussed this with him and we had a good laugh about it. But ever since that day, the thought that I feel like a cow crosses my mind every time he sucks on my nipples. I still find the action pleasurable, but it’s absolutely messing with my head that I can’t get the thought to go away in the moment. It’s like an intrusive thought that just won’t stop.

I also recently saw a Reddit post about sex during pregnancy, and how things can get ‘milky’ when stimulating the nipples of a pregnant woman. After reading that, I yet again think of it every time my boyfriend sucks on my nipples.

To clarify, I don’t enjoy or get pleasure from these thoughts, I want them to go away. But I also don’t want to stop nipple play altogether, so I’m at a loss. What can I do to get this out of my mind?

Disclaimer: nothing wrong with someone having a mommy kink, but that’s simply not something I’m into whatsoever.

TLDR: I’m plagued with the intrusive thought of feeling either like a cow or like I’m breastfeeding when my bf sucks on my nipples and I hate it. Help!

  1. Why don’t you hold off on the sucking for a bit, licking and rubbing and fondling can be good as well. Then I’m sure that mental image will subside.

  2. Having sex in doggy don’t make you a dog!

    The problem is not the thought. You somehow ascribe that thought to your self worth.

    Do you think you gained weight ?

  3. I have thoughts like this on occasion, but im usually able to push it away. I just try to enjoy those moments and stay in the present.
    If you’re having intrusive thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable consider going to therapy! It helps.

  4. The thoughts may not turn you on… But how does it feel? If it feels good… Lean in and enjoy

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