Okay first of all the exam for which she is preparing, it’s like very very very important, soo…

My girlfriend is having crucial exams next year for which she is preparing and because of that, she has stopped talking to me. It’s been probably two weeks since we have spoken nicely otherwise we don’t even spend 5 mins together. We don’t call each other because she doesn’t like it, and even if I ask her for her free time she doesn’t say anything. Our daily texting goes like this, first, she would send me msg then after some time I would reply to it, then after hours she would reply, and this cycle goes on…

And now I have been noticing this for two days that she has stopped sending me emojis in texts, and on asking she said it takes a lot of time to search for an emoji.

I know this exam is very important for her, but nowadays she doesn’t even contribute to msgs, just answers to most of my msgs with one word.

Idk what’s happening, please help what should I do.


  1. She’s being unreasonable. Having an important exam is understandable, taking a week or two prior to study a lot would be understandable. Taking 6 months or so and even cutting off emoji use is ridiculous.

    Either she’s purposely doing this so you’ll end it, or I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be in a relationship where the other person won’t communicate. Break up.

  2. Break up and tell her that she can contact you when she is done. Dude, she basically broke up with you already. No relationship can survive without communication.

  3. It sounds like this is what she has to offer you right now and you can accept it or not.

    If you want to try to make it work, I’d suggest trying to figure out some small but regularly recurring time she can plan around. Neither of you sounds happy with sporadic texting, but what if you agreed to a standing date for twenty minutes of chat every Tuesday night, for example, and less texting between. She can plan around it and not be trying to juggle daily texts, you can know you have her full attention and don’t have to push her to commit to a time. That would work for some couples!

    But if it doesn’t work for you, that’s fine. You are be allowed to break up if the time she has for you right now isn’t as much as you need to be happy in an LDR.

  4. She’s breaking up with you without putting on her big girl panties and actually telling you that it’s over. The relationship is finished, sorry.

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