Whats up with men walking up to their friends and swatting at or tapping at their junk? What is the purpose?

  1. Never once heard of any guys who do this. What kind of guys are you hanging around with, man?

  2. It takes a surprising little amount of force to make another male want to vomit and take a poop at the same time… Ball tapping.

    It’s a sure fire way to get a reaction. If you’ve also heard the thing “two for flinching” …….

    Physical abuse is the only way we know how to connect with each other. /S

  3. Maybe they’re secretly gay and want to touch your genitals?

    I mean… if your cute, I might want to touch too.

    But I’m not secretly gay; I’m open. I’d just ask.

    Hey, you look like you have great genitals. Can I touch them?

    And if the answer is no, I respect that… and then ask to look.

  4. Maybe you should observe men who don’t live in West Hollywood or Fire Island sometime?

  5. I don’t know any men that do this. The one’s that do probably think it’s funny in the same way they think it’s funny to pants someone while they’re not expecting.

    14 year old boys think it’s funny. Grown adult men think it’s obnoxious douchebaggery.

  6. Never heard of this in real life.

    In france, there was a joke about “chabite” in late 90s-2000s but that was only on some muppet TV show.

  7. Well, I don’t have friends who do that, but the main reason is we like to be assholes to our friends, strangely in a “friendly” way.

    Like how me and my best friends curse and utterly roast each other, but deep down we can’t live without the other and we just implicate with ourselves.

    Of couse nut-taping crosses this limit, at least for us, even a light tap in the balls hurt, why would you inflict this level of physical pain? God just call me an asshole and leave, I’ll feel less miserable.

  8. Lmfao, are you from the UK?

    It’s a stupid game played between some guys, honestly never get between them because it always ends in tears.

  9. Because they’re gay. Literally no other reason.

    You do mean hitting them in their balls right? Yeah that’s gay.

    Edit: because this is Reddit I have to make a disclaimer that I don’t care if you’re gay. We’re not hooking up no matter how many times you hit my junk.

  10. Only friends do it. For me I don’t agree with my friends reproducing. It would cut down on hangout time and they are all dickheads and would be shit fathers. I strongly feel hitting their nuts could prevent this.

  11. Joking nut tapping is like a teenager thing, it’s just a way to fuck with each other I have no idea why it’s popular

  12. Growing up, a certain group of goofball guys would engage in ‘bag tagging’. My boys and me didn’t do this as it always seemed to be an acquired taste…like liver and onions and Old Milwaukee’s Best…Light. So to answer your question…maybe it’s just guys who didn’t grow up but only got bigger.

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