In your experience, how do you know if your relationship is progressing too quickly? Is it OK to move too fast as long as it feels right for both of you? What are the consequences of moving too fast?

  1. You know a relationship is progressing quickly when you’ve made it through multiple steps in a matter of months (ex. 2-4 months) Its ok for your relationship to move quickly if both parties are consenting to it and feel comfortable with the rate its moving, never do something you aren’t ready for because you’re told “C’mon it’ll feel nice!” Or “Just do it you’ll like it” it can come at a price tho, which could be heartbreak or even feeling like you took a step you weren’t ready to take because you were in the moment and it “felt right” but again, do it because you want to not because they want to. Also thats my personal opinion, hope it helped!

  2. In my experience, the consequence is that you miss signs that the person isn’t right for you but you’ve fallen hard and get your heart broken.

  3. Based on my experience, my partner (32M) and I (25F) met online last May and only dated for a month before we got official. We are both aware that we are moving too fast. Just after a week of seeing each other, we exclusively dated one another as I don’t really date multiple men. As long as both parties are open to their feelings, and you don’t see any red flags. Make sure that you’re not forcing yourself to do anything you don’t really wanna do. Although our feelings are mutual, we didn’t really say the L word until 4 months later.

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