I [25F] need proof for court of my husbands [27M] cheating. I haven’t contacted anyone yet or said anything but getting proof is expensive!

I have screenshots of him browsing dating sites and his suspicious messages to his coworkers but I don’t think it’s enough.

  1. If he has a Google account, go to manage Google account > data and privacy > web and app activity and you can get a lot of info

  2. Hire a P.I. (a good one) and/or ask a techie/hacker friend for help getting digital proof of the bastard.

  3. Are you in a jurisdiction that allows for “at-fault” divorces?

    If yes, a divorce attorney can recommend a private investigator that can give sufficient proof to the court. The expense for this would likely have to be reimbursed by your Soon-to-be-EX (STBX).

    If no, then getting more “proof” will only hurt you more – divorce him and move on to someone that respects you.

  4. Credit card statements would be a good start. You should just be able to call them and request them. Also download the call and text history on his cellphone through your online account with your service provider. It will tell you who he’s texting or talking to at odd times as well as how many times a particular number shows up. Do a reverse number lookup on any number you don’t recognize and see repeated a lot and you will get a name for a nominal fee. From there you can start looking for their social media.

  5. GPS tracker on his car (assuming it is jointly owned). Track him to the hotel/residence where he’s cheating and take pictures of them.

  6. Did an actual attorney tell you that you need proof?

    In the U.S you can just get a divorce

  7. Your time would be better spent researching if you really need proof in your place because in most of the western world now (excluding pre nup cheating clauses) a judge will not give a flying fuck.

    Also, old phone with active sim is a cheap boot tracking method but i would caution you that playing MI5 will send you insane

    Cheats are often really good at just keeping on the other side of actual “proof”

  8. Why? Is there some reason you want this to be an at-fault divorce? No fault is almost universally cheaper and easier as far as legal fees go.

    Do a cost-benefit analysis. Look at what a good PI would cost vs. whatever financial benefit you would see post-divorce if the PI succeeds. If the second number is bigger than the first, put the PI on a credit card. Otherwise, it’s probably smarter to just go forward with the no-fault option.

  9. OP, do whatever you can to consult with a lawyer – or there may be low cost legal options in your area. For example, the law school at a nearby university will do cheap consultations where you talk to law students who are supervised by their professors. This would, at the very least, give you some idea of your legal standing and best strategy.

    You may be headed down the wrong road entirely. Also, if you’re the breadwinner in the marriage, then your main concern should be protecting your assets.

    Now, maybe proving infidelity will matter, maybe it won’t. Hiring a PI would be your best bet, but that will likely be thousands of dollars, because them getting actual evidence can take a lot of time paying them to sit and wait for something to film or photograph.

  10. There are also apps that you can download on other peoples phones that would allow you to track
    Them or see their phone interface.

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