Would you stay? Do you think it’s possible to be in a relationship without this kind of intimacy for years?

  1. If we could work around their inability then I’d stay. But if it was nothing, no intimacy then I don’t think I could.

  2. I’m really not sure. I’d like to think I would because it does say for better or for worse. I would be devastated if they left me because of health issues preventing me from sleeping with them. That would be insanely hard though.

  3. I left because he lied and hid it from me when we first met. When I tried to address it , he refused to compromise. No need to continue.

  4. I’ve got high sex drive..but if my partner and I couldn’t have sex for health reason, I’ll still stay with him..as long my other needs are being met (mentally and emotionally).

  5. There are very few health issues that would rule out all sexual intimacy. Regardless, I’d support them through their health issues, be romantically and sexually intimate together in the ways available to us, and continue to love them. No, I wouldn’t leave or feel any desire to stray from our committed relationship together.

  6. Had this with my ex-wife, 13 years of our relationship had no sex because of health issues she had (although they were treatable and she choose career over health).

    It really really fucked with my self esteem and sexual confidence, and I still haven’t fully recovered.

    Nowadays I’m polyamorous and totally fine not having sex with a partner because I can have that need fulfilled with other people. But I absolutely could not go without any sex at all in my life.

  7. I’d stay. Not married because it’s not for us but have solidly committed for life and there’s no way I’d leave them for a health issue they have no control over. I’d probably watch porn and masturbate when I needed the release. I’m not saying it’d be easy but I love them and they are my family, so I’d do my best and deal with it a day at a time, as best I could.

  8. I’m ace so I definitely think it’s possible for a relationship to work without it, as long as the situation is something both partner are fine with.

    Compatibility is important when it comes to that and sexual intimacy is primordial to some while it’s unimportant to others; either end – and anything in between – is valid, not everyone has the same needs and desires. So the situation you described would be no problem for some while it would be inconceivable to others.

  9. Masturbate. They could even help if they wanted. Helping sometimes gets people in the mood, and then perhaps I can help them. Fun times.

  10. I wouldn’t enter a relationship knowing they couldn’t have sex, even if for medical reasons. But if we were already in a relationship and something happened, it would be tough but we’d figure something out.

  11. It wouldn’t be a problem to me. I definitely couldn’t stay in a relationship without intimacy, but I don’t define intimacy as something exclusively sexual. And as long as I knew it was health related, there would be no risk that I would feel unattractive or worry that it was “caused” by me in any other way.

  12. I did this. He broke his chest and it took years for him not to be in constant pain. I stayed and when he was better it changed everything. We could never get it back and we just became roommates. We split after 8 years. I give it zero stars. Lol

  13. I’d stay with him, no question. I love sex with my husband but it’s not the basis of our relationship.

    Full transparency, though, we are in an open marriage, so if he was ok with me still seeing other people I would continue to do so. If he requested I not see others, I would honor that as well.

  14. If a health issue caused it then of course I’d stay. There are ways other than intercourse to maintain intimacy. I’m edging close to 50, and the older we get, the more likely there will be health issues to deal with. Sex, though fantastic, is not the end all be all of a relationship. Would he still want to cuddle, make out, show physical affection, and spend quality time with me? That’s enough. There’s always masturbation 🤷‍♀️

  15. I didn’t marry my husband for sex. He’s an entire human being with many facets and unique traits. To reduce someone down to their ability to have sex or not is beyond ignorant and disrespectful.

    But, people have different lines they will and won’t cross. For me, sex isn’t my marriage. There have been plenty of times where my mental health is terrible and I’ve been horribly sick and my husband wasn’t at my side demanding sex. He wanted me to get better because he loves me. I may have endometriosis and no sex may very well be in our future one day and neither of us are worried about it.

  16. Depends on my investment t in the relationship. I’ve been married for 19 years, I’ll be by my wife’s side until I die. If it were a new relationship, I don’t know.

  17. [*laughs in Asexual*]
    But really, if I cared about the person enough I could set aside any of that stuff. Sex isn’t important to me in the long run

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