I try to give out subtle signals to them that I’m just not interested in talking, but they just keep talking and talking. Is there a way to tell them this without sounding rude?

  1. Depending on the environment (example sitting in class waiting for it to start) i usually say “idk man im kinda tired and zoning in and out of whats going on…” If they are trying to get me involved with whatever convo they are having…

    But no its not rude… If you were to tell me straight up that you dont feel like talking then i would respect that and let you be 👍

  2. I’ve always wanted to know another answer to this, too. For now the only thing I know of is to just chuckle at what they say (or whatever response is appropriate) and stop adding things to the conversation. Eventually that subject will dwindle out. After that, if they start a new subject, just respond with “ya, I don’t know” or “true, true…” or something similar. Eventually they will get bored and talk to someone else.

    Warning, this may make you seem dumb/boring, but that will discourage people from talking to you in the long term lol.

  3. No not at all, I do this frequently with even really good friends and occasional acquaintances alike.

  4. No. Just be honest. Tbh I’d be more offended that you couldn’t just tell me a simple truth.

  5. In my opinion, not at all. I would rather tell someone “hey, I’m exhausted/socially drained and I’m not feeling talkative” instead of having a conversation and coming off as rude/uninterested. I’m naturally a very talkative person and this has always worked out for me

  6. It is rude and make sure they’re offended to the point of visible agitation. Make sure they know. Here’s a map. Take a left and fuck off. 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

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