My partner moved to a different country for uni 2 weeks ago and since he left I’ve been feeling like crap. I struggle with depression but since he left my mood has completely plummeted. I don’t even know why I’m feeling so scared and stressed all the time about everything. I know we love each other and he’s said to me on several occasions how much I mean to him and he hopes we’re together forever.

We’ve been together for 8 months I’m so terrified of loosing him I’m making myself ill over this. I’ve gotten to the point that I’m having dreams about him leaving me. It’s so ridiculous. I’m so scared he’ll find someone better than me and drift away from me and leave me all alone. I feel stupid even thinking this because I sound like a crazy, jealous girlfriend which definitely isn’t helping anything.

I’m sorry if this is incoherent and doesn’t make sense but I’m just feeling really overwhelmed right now with him much I miss him and just needed to let it out.

Has anyone been in this boat before? How do you even handle something like this?

  1. Yeah long-distance relationships aren’t for the weak. It’s okay to feel sad and anxious as it’s part of the whole process of being away from somebody for a long time. Don’t force your emotions down to put on a brave face or anything. Not diagnosing you but it sounds like separation anxiety of sorts. A good step is to acknowledge that yes, you are overly anxious about everything when your partner is not around. Next steps would be to work on things like ask yourself “am I too dependent on this other person for my happiness?” Try doing things that help you feel like your own person again

  2. Long distance relationships are not for everyone and that’s fine. I mean… You’re relationship is only 8 months old. That is pretty insignificant compared to your whole life. I’d say stick with this guy if you were together for years, but 8 months? Pfff. I assume he’s going to be away much longer than the length of your very young relationship.

    Honestly? If you struggle with long distance, consider seeking love elsewhere. It’s fine to not enjoy long distance. So maybe instead of all this drama, look for a partner who’s closer to home.

  3. I’ve been in an LDR for almost two years. It may be different because we’ve never known each other in person, but it has its ups and downs. Communication is the main thing to worry about, make sure you always communicate with how you’re feelings and your needs and wants.

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