Was at the girls house I have been dating recently and I’m pretty sure a viagra pill fell out of my pocket either while we were out on a date or at her house. So I’m just wondering if I should be worried she’ll be turned off if I did drop it at her house and she finds it. For context I’m a little younger than the average user [30] and she’s a few years older than me.

  1. I’m fine with it. My partner is pretty open about it. He does okay without, but if he tells me that he took one then I know I’m in for a wild night. With that being said, we’ve been in a committed relationship for a few years. I think it would be pretty weird first date/hook up

  2. Purely depends on why. If it’s a real medical reason, indifferent. If it’s other reason and bought off the internet, it would make me question the person.

  3. Understanding. If you’re taking it for medical reasons then it’s okay. I do admit I don’t know what one looks like so I’d assume it was a pain or allergy med and just throw it away. Viagra wouldn’t be my first thought.

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