My(26M) long distance gf(21F) of two months doesn’t show much interest in sharing her day to day life happenings/activities with me. Like today only she went out with her friends after 6-7pm or so and came back around 8-9(I’m not sure the exact time because even idk). She updated her status where she was out and when I asked here “Where to”, she just replied “Went out” and that’s it. I replied with “okay” as I didn’t wanted to sound interrogative and thought maybe she would share without me asking her but she didn’t. She generally never shares much about her day to day life with me. I thought maybe her exams are going on that’s why she don’t have much time but today she had her test and her next test is on 27 so she got lots of time but still nothing. Later in the night she just shared one reel to me on Instagram which was something like “I don’t know what I’ll do if you’ll leave me” and that’s it. The funny thing is that she was the one who chased me, puts so many efforts and confessed to me that she loves me. But ever since I told her that I love her as well her behaviour has changed and I’m not sure what to do. So I just wnna know from the ladies here if they can related to her or not?!

TL/dr: Long distance gf who puts so many efforts and confessed that she loves me has changed her attitude towards me ever since I said I love you to her.

  1. How long have you been dating? How far apart are you?

    My partner and I are long distance. It sucks hard, but we talk every day, whether text or call. Even when we are on the phone, I may not share everything I did that day. Sometimes we just kinda sit there quietly lol.

    We also have a kid though so I’m always on top of making sure she talks to him daily.

    Maybe just sit down and have a heart to heart conversation. Obviously you aren’t trying to “keep tabs” or monitor her, but if you’re partners, you want to hear about her day, things that aggravated her, what made her laugh. Mundane chores that she did. The whole point of a relationship is to share your lives right?

  2. I’m currently in a similar situation; however, I was the one who chased my bf. He’s not much of a talker, I would ask him how his day was. The reply would be “okay”. So I changed
    how I ask him questions, I would say “ what did you do with your friends, what did you see, what did you eat/do. Now, he can at least say, “oh I hit the gym and fixed my car”. Then I would follow up and say, “oh nice what did you do at the gym and bleh bleh bleh”. Remember to share to your partner that you love to hear her talk and share about her day! FaceTiming also helps for long distance relationship.

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