Hi all!

If you check my post history, you will see I previously dated a girl for 3 months but things ended pretty awkwardly.

I recently had a university event over this past weekend, where I ran into a girl I stopped dating this past June. At first she didn’t say anything to me, but I went up to her and we ended up chatting for most of the day. I even ended up going to lunch with her and her friends.

Long story short, I stopped talking to this girl because I she brought a plus 1 to a wedding (a male family friend) but didn’t tell me about it. She was also very sus the whole weekend, where she took almost a day to reply to a text. I ended up finding out through a mutual friend she brought a plus 1, and was hurt that she didn’t even let me know in advance when we were exclusive.

We addressed/cleared the air over the issues, and she said she’s not dating anyone and has really been ‘focusing on herself’ (which she admitted was because of me because she was also hurt). She implied that she wanted to get back together or at least try again. I still live at home, and my mother plays a big role in who I can and cannot date. When I told her who I ran into my mom was upset that I spent so much time talking with her. I had the girl blocked but unblocked her after we chatted, which infuriated my mom. I told her I was thinking of taking things slow again, and my mom got extremely mad. It puts me in a tough situation, because my mom is very afraid of me getting hurt again but I don’t want to live with any ‘what ifs.’ I know this girl isn’t perfect but we have a really unique connection that I can honestly say I’ve never really had with anyone.Just wondering your thoughts and how you would handle this situation. Thanks all

It’s also worth noting that my mother never met this girl (I met her family several times and am friendly with her sister) but formed a very strong opinion already.

  1. Dude, your mom has her life and has made her own choices. This is your life and you get to make your own choices. You are a full grown adult and just because you live at home that doesn’t give your mother the right to make personal decisions on your behalf. She has no business getting infuriated about who you’re talking to—that’s controlling and toxic. Her role as a parent is to respect your decisions and allow you to make your own choices in life—even ones that turn out badly. That’s how people learn and grown. You need to not let your mother control your personal life.

  2. Ok while I agree with everyone else, Ur mom really shouldn’t and doesn’t have a say in who you date and all that.

    BUT this girl went to a wedding and her +1 was another dude even while u were exclusive. And that’s a major red flag in my book.

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