What is a random thing that reveals a lot about a person?

  1. If they put their shopping cart back in the corral. People who don’t do this can suck my mound.

  2. Do they hold doors open for others or at the very least press on it a second longer so the person behind can get in easier. Shows whether or not they have even basic awareness of those around them.

  3. Their opinions of other people. When people talk about others, they also talk about themselves indirectly, stating the kind of person who would actually have the opinions they do about the people they’re referring about, the things they paid attention to, the things they resented, the emotional reactions they had to the situations, etc.

  4. Whether they take accountability for their mistakes, or try to pass blame to anyone and anything other than themselves.

  5. Counselor here
    How we treat others is more about who we are than who they are
    How they treat us is about them

  6. Letting doors slam behind them. It takes so little to close a door quietly. Particularly in a shared house/flat it amazes me how often people will go in/out at 2am and just let doors smash shut. How are you not aware that could be annoying?!? And *everyone* does it. Maybe it’s just me because I grew up with a parent who worked nights and so I had to be hyper aware of how much noise I made, but surely anyone who’s ever heard a door close must know?

  7. Those who don’t re-rack their weights at the gym is someone I would intentionally ignore

  8. This is similar to a lot of comments below, but when someone admits they don’t know something, that’s a pretty good indicator of intelligence.

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