Say you’re travelling somewhere and staying at a hotel. During the day you see the sights. At night you share a double-bed with your partner. How often would you typically have sex in this situation? Every night? Zero times? Something in-between?

  1. First time I went on vacation with a girlfriend it was at least once a day but I think she took me with the intention of doing it alot

  2. If we have a hectic tourist schedule, probably just when we get back at night. but like a trip to Vegas that has no real itinerary, twice or 3 times a day and we’re old (late 40s)

  3. If we’re staying in a hotel room alone, we have sex. If we’re feeling really good, we have very intense sex. If we’re really tired, we have tired and lazy sex. But so far it happens every time regardless of expectations

  4. Not every day but a lot and sometimes multiple times a day. There’s typically one night we go all out where she wears some very nice lingerie. It’s a major increase as we only see each other on the weekends

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