I’m(30M) a complete dating newb so bare with me please. To add some context, I’m a short average looking guy.

Matched with this chick on Bumble and she shared her number on my asking within a few texts on the app. She asked for my number as well. She then immediately called which took me by surprise as this was quite late at night. After some basic intro smalltalk, she revealed that she is in my city only for a few days and started asking what I was looking for while dating. I honestly had no fucking clue as to how to answer this question. I’m in a socially backward country(India) which discourages interaction between boys and girls at young age so most men don’t really know how to interact with women and I’m honestly one of them.

I said something vague here which I honestly don’t even remember by now. So I didn’t know what to do next here. However, I read online that women like confidence so I started talking like a guy who(I think) gets a lot of female attention which is actually completely untrue in my case. Long story short, it somehow seemed to be working because she was really laughing a lot my witty retorts and quite literally said that she is really liking my confidence somehow.

Over the course of the next few days, she called me many times where I was honestly busy with work so couldn’t give her much attention. Eventually I suggested meeting her on the weekend for dinner which she later kinda seemed not interested. She later messaged that she was out of the city and the conversation streak ended.

Ok, experienced men, what should I have done and how do you read this behaviour from her ?

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