Does anyone else have dreams about people they’ve liked in their past?

I had a dream last night about a crush and it’s been made me feel like my head is in some sort of Alice and wonderland fairytale. It was so real it felt like I could feel the fabric of his shirt, his hand holding mine and what it felt like to walk down stairs with him. MAAAAAAN oh mannnn has my brain did a doozy on me! Had this happened to anyone else?

  1. Dreams are not literal. That old crush in your dream doesn’t represent the actual person, he represents you longing for something or wanting something you don’t have. It’s your brain processing your feelings about things and using him as a metaphor. I know it FEELS like it’s about him but it’s not it’s about what he represents (lack? desire? longing? unfulfilled wishes?) and it’s your subconscious nudging you to maybe think about what you need to change in your life so you don’t have that feeling of lack/longing/whatever anymore.

  2. Of course it has and it sucks. I just classify all dreams where I’m in a happy relationship as nightmares to quickly forget and get on with my day.

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