i’ve made this uni friend and we usually stick to each other after group hangouts because we met online before uni started.

i find that when i make conversation with them, they always sound uninterested or just flat out ignore me, so i’m there awkwardly trailing off. i honestly don’t remember them ever responding expressively or saying more than 5 words in relation to what i had just told them.

i find it weird because i am the complete opposite. when they’re sharing something, i’m pretty responsive. i ask follow up questions and look towards them when they’re speaking. i like doing that because the conversation feels a lot more comfortable and i can see that they enjoy talking about whatever it is they’re talking about because they speak with so much emotion (and vocabulary). so most of our conversations are just me reacting to whatever they said.

it’s so uncomfortable for me as it’s started to almost feel wrong for me to start a conversation because of how little they react, especially since i know they’re capable of reacting a lot better than that.

what do i do? and how do i talk to them? please don’t ask me to cut them off so quickly though.

1 comment
  1. You can tell the person that their lack of response makes it difficult to carry a conversation and it would be great if they were a bit more verbose.

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