Tl;dr parter and I are letting two friends move in until January, what rules are necessary for roommates?

My partner and I are about to let two of our friends (who are also a couple) move into our guest bedroom for a couple of months (until January). Right away my biggest concern was that they might try/need to stay longer so I’ve already let them know that we have to have a set deadline. My boyfriend insisted we don’t charge them rent but instead just let them pitch in for food and stuff around the house. I don’t want them to be too comfortable with free living though.

Neither me or my boyfriend have ever had roommates in the past other than each other so we don’t really know what to expect. What rules would you give to people moving into your house?

  1. 1. Establish a cleaning schedule and stick to it. 2. Keep the noise level down, especially at night. 3. Respect each other’s privacy and personal space. 4. Communicate openly and honestly with each other.

  2. I always clean all my own dishes as soon as I’m done using them, *precisely because* I never want to have to deal with a sink full of dirty dishes. Always have, always do, always will. It’s a habit I’ve had since childhood.

    So if there’s a sink full of dirty dishes, it’s not my fucking problem, and I’m not fucking touching them. Never, ever, *ever* whine to me about helping with the fucking dishes. I already cleaned mine. I’m not cleaning yours, too. This is absolutely, 100 percent non-negotiable.

  3. Never lived with house mates you say!

    It all depends on how clean these people are and how they like to live.

    Are they gonna clean the toilet and bathroom and pick the floor mat up to dry after a shower?

    Who pays for dunny roll and hand soap? how do they wash and dry their clothes? do you need a rota?

    Are you sharing milk and bread? are you all shipping in ?

    Will they be using your internet for mad porn hub watching and downloading pirate movies? if so that could cause an issue

  4. You don’t pay rent or late even once. Your shit will be waiting for you outside.

    Cuckold gangbang sessions on fridays only.

  5. Cleaning expectations + schedule (or agree to hire a cleaning lady)

    Frequency and duration of overnight guests

    Sharing food versus just fending for yourselves

    The day that the one roommate pays the other for rent + utilities

  6. 2 things for me 1. We clean our own shit – they didn’t hire a maid to clean up for them and especially not paid to do it, we’re roommates. 2. No touchy of personal things unless permission is granted

  7. I think the 2 most important are deciding on food sharing and guests.

    The more people you have the less fridge space you’ll get. Boxed leftovers were off limits but communal things like eggs, milk was fine to share. We split all grocery costs equally.

    Lived in a 2 bedroom dorm with 4 guys, we never had a conversation about guests and we shoulda. 1 guy would bring girls over but try to bone them in the living room since he shared a bedroom. But the living room was open and connected to the kitchen so I’d walk in just trynna go to the fridge.

    Cleaning isn’t bad if everyone is good at communicating. I think doing a cleaning schedule or assigning roles is overkill. If they’re you’re friends you don’t want to have to mother them.

    Find the once a month kind of chores that you don’t mind doing and let them know you’ll take care of it. I didn’t like vaccuuming so I never did it, but my roommate always did. And he didn’t like cleaning the bathroom so I’d scrub the shower/toilet.

    Everyday stuff like taking out the trash or dishes should be whoever sees it needing done. Eventually you’ll notice a slacker who never does his dishes and hopefully you can be adults and ask him to carry his weight.

    Be prepared for folks to have different levels of cleanliness. Don’t police others personal areas.

  8. 1. Expectations for cleaning the house. Keep the fucking thing clean.

    2. How is food/house items are shared. Who buys the food/dish soap/laundry soap/tp? Do you pool money or buy your own items?

    3. Laundry schedule; if you have in house washers.

    4. Guest policy. This includes partners of ANY KIND.

    5. How rent and utilities is split, and everyone needs to understand how it gets paid, and when it needs to get paid.

    6. How we deal with conflicts. Set up a system where, if a conflict between roommates arises, it can be solved easily.

    7.privacy policy and or just buy locks.

    8. Learn each other’s schedules and be nice about when they need quiet time.

    9. Let them know BEFORE YOU FUCK.

    And just remember. You never have to be friends with your room mates, and just because a person is a bad roommate, doesn’t mean they are a bad friend. Also, don’t fuck your room mates.

  9. Get an agreement on what they will contribute nailed down before they move in, even if it’s just “you’re welcome for three months, don’t worry about money.” Because it’ll be awkward as hell later.

    Figure out food too. Are groceries communal? How much? How will you communicate what food is and isn’t communal?

  10. 1:Clean up after yourselves
    2:Help pay the bills
    3:Respect our stuff, we’ll respect yours
    4:Set a firm date for them to move out, or start paying rent

  11. Kitchen, bathroom, noise

    Dont leave dishes on the counter or in the sink, or pots on the stove. Wash and put away immediately.

    One person deep cleans the kitchen and obe does the bathroom each month, and it alternates.

    Consult each other before having guests over

  12. January comes… If it’s cold out, blizzard conditions, you still kicking them out? Main concern and focus on is the bathroom, all the other parts of the house you can deal with. But the bathroom… One person should clean it no matter what. And that one person can’t complain on how dirty it gets because that is why it’s being cleaned by one person.

  13. Are they going to be working? Working from the residence?

    From my past experience i think they should at least be sharing the electric/heat/gas bill and then make some kind of contribution. Food should be separate, designate a shelf and a drawee in the fridge and a cabinet/ pantry space for dry goods.

    People “make themselves at home” and take advantage. A week or two is a house guest. A month or longer is a renter, subletter.

    Maybe ask them to pitch a list of expectations, rules, respectable habits they expect and would propose to a couple guest-bedrooming for 3 months and see what they come up with.

    It might be a good idea to have a written agreement on the time frame and agreed terms just in case.

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