My partner is going to propose to me on a few days while carving pumpkins. The ole’ ‘carve pumpkins facing away from each other and turn around on three with hers saying “will you marry me?”’ trick. It’s super sweet but she’s terrible at surprises and has inadvertently given it away. My question is: should I carve mine to say ‘yes’? Or would that make her feel bad because she felt like it wasn’t a surprise?

  1. It would be a very cute moment to turn it and say yes

    I’d alternatively suggest also carving it but you’d need like an engagement ring and that’s a whole process so

  2. Personally I would take it to my grave that I knew ahead of time. The Yes is very cute, though. I’m torn.

    In my own life I would just be surprised on the day of. But in an ideal “hallmark movie” life I’d do the “yes”.

  3. I think the yes is cute, and I’d be absolutely certain that you knew cos you understood me so well. I’m a soppy little shit though

  4. What if you’re mistaken and you have a pumpkin that says yes and hers is a jack-o-lantern? Lol

  5. Yes – carve yours to say “yes”! I think it’s sweet and charming and if she can’t laugh about it, then it’s a bad sign. You didn’t snoop or sneak to find this out, you say she inadvertently gave it away.

    Just have fun with it, and congratulations. 🙂

  6. I’m torn because I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise, but your idea of carving a “yes” into the pumpkin is adorable.

  7. The heck with the surprise. Either care your pumpkin to say “will you marry me?” too or “hell yes!!!”

  8. We don’t know her; you do. If she is someone who can laugh at her little quirks like spilling secrets, go for it. But if you think it would make her feel insecure, maybe acting surprised would be better. Only you know the answer.

    I personally think it’s adorable, and hope that you do it and post an update!

  9. Get TWO pumpkins ! Prep one in advance. Have her show her pumpkin first. Choose the correct one depending on her pumpkin lmao

    Also, this is super cute can we get an update pls 🙊

  10. I think she want you to curve the will you marry me…?

    Not to be a Debbie downer but what if she doesn’t purpose and you just end up carving yes in a pumpkin? Bit awkward.

  11. If i knew someone was proposing this way, personally I would also carve my pumpkin to say will you marry me. Hit she sees you have the same one then she will just think its meant to be and if you are wrong a our her proposal you will still be covered and she will still be happy.

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