Has anybody tried ashwagandha and/or maca root?
Has it been effective?

I do regular excercise and i’m fit but I think these supplements could help me amp up my libido a bit.

How about side effects with these supplements? Thanks in advance

1 comment
  1. Ashwaganda daily. Maca not yet but want to.

    Also, for overall test help and in the general sex department. Zinc, d3,tribulus, fenugreek, dhea

    These have had no side effects I’ve witnessed as of so far. Been years on and off of taking them.

    Always feel a beneficial boost from these.

    Not commonly found is arginine as well. Great for blood flow, use it mainly for working out but helps in the sex department also.

    Niacin is good for blood flow as well. BUT this is one will cause a flushing feeling and itching feeling. Goes away after a hour or 2 but definitely concerning if you have never felt it. Usually keep a large iced water near me and stay hydrated while taking that to help ease that quicker.

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