What is your breakfast of choice?

  1. I have two that I enjoy equally. Bacon, biscuits and scrambled eggs or sausage patty, biscuits and gravy. All other breakfast foods are inferior to these two meals.

  2. My vape and a cold brew coffee or maybe a bagel if i dont feel like being sick all morning from not eating.

  3. As someone who wakes up at 6pm five nights a week typically dinner foods or whatever I can make with ease, such as but not limited to pizza.

  4. Fried eggs and toast, but like the toast is made by frying it with all the eggs in the pan so it’s all eggy and good

  5. If huevos rancheros is on the menu, I’m ordering it.

    But if I’m just making breakfast for myself at home? Scrambled eggs, a fried egg sandwich, or buttered toast and a piece of fruit or two.

  6. Pussy as an appetizer, then bacon and eggs later. Asti Spumante is a great substitute for juice in the morning.

  7. On work days I have iced coffee with cream and 2 scoops of protein powder.

    Any more than that, and I’m lazy all day.

    On weekends when I can relax, which is rare, I like few options:

    Bacon and scrambled eggs mixed together with toast.

    Pancakes and bacon

    Some form of breakfast sandwich

    Biscuits and gravy, my “gravy” is sausage and bacon bits, I call it the meat lovers edition. Spicy, savory, made from scratch.

  8. Lately been a scrambled egg, a couple sausage links, and a banana. On the go I usually do a hard boiled egg and a banana or a fruit smoothie (water based)

    I can’t eat gluten and I miss an egg over medium on a slice of buttered toast. Gluten free bread just does not toast very well.

  9. Three pieces of bacon, two fried eggs, two pieces of cheese, and 5 thin slices of lunch meat on an English muffin with mayo.

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