Hi! Basically I (26) have been seeing this guy (22) for about 2-2.5 months now. We are still not official, which is fine especially with everything he has going on in his personal life.

This last week we were out to dinner and he invited me to his birthday celebration with his friends. His birthday isn’t until December so I am happy that he sees us still seeing each other, if not together by then, in a few months.

The issue I have is that I have so much anxiety around meeting new people. He met some of my friends a bit back and he did amazing and held his own conversations without me needing to be there. However I know for a fact that is not how I will do and I am worried that I will come off uninterested or that his friends won’t like me when I am genuinely terrified of even the idea of meeting his friends.

Any advice on how to not completely freak myself out, or on how to calm my nerves so I can actually enjoy meeting his friends and they won’t think badly of me?

I really like this guy but I know that his friends are important to him and I am worried if they don’t like me then he will agree with them or at least seriously consider their advice and that will be the end of it.

  1. Talk to him, its hard to give generic advice on how to handle anxiety around new people and feeling comfortable around strangers, maybe go with a friend as depending on the type of set up it is, he’s obviously going to be entertaining others and his attention will naturally be split. If you’re not a social butterfly, it’s naturally going to be a struggle to make small talk with others who also will have their attention split with friends

  2. Just talk to him about it, and he will help you out and he will make sure he does not leave you alone with them if you do not want him to.

    If you tell him, he can help and perhaps pre-warn his friends to go easy on you or like relax more (poor wording but I think you know what I mean).

    Honestly is the best policy here imo.

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