So I am unsure about how much of a birthday gift would be normal in the case of a Halloween party where we *also* celebrate into my best friend’s bf’s birthday as is.

I mean it’s not only a birthday party anyway and we are sort of friend’s, but not really, so I don’t know him well enough to know what to get him and I also don’t know because I rarely go to parties at all.

So in the invite text my best friend mentioned it would be nice for anyone to also maybe bring some booze to the party, so I’m thinking of bringing some well liked liquor and little shots for the party and then for the birthday theme I’m not sure.

I’m a good baker and people really like my brownies so I thought I could just bring some brownies maybe with some smarties or sprinkles or edible confetti inside for a pop of color and put a bow and write happy birthday on the container.

Do you guys think that would be enough/appropriate for the event?

Tldr: I don’t know my best friend’s bf well so I struggle with what to bring to a Halloween party where we also celebrate his birthday. I’m already bringing booze as per request, can I just bring some birthday themed brownies and that would be enough?

  1. I mean, I would be fine if that’s what you brought.

    Also, for any other Americans reading this, OP is likely Canadian, and smarties are like M&Ms.

  2. Are they weed brownies? Cause if so they’d probably be a bigger hit. Normal ones are good too.

  3. I think bringing booze and brownies is perfect! You don’t know him very well, and it’s doubling as a Halloween party so it’s perfect.

  4. If you’re going to bring food or drinks to a party you ask the host what to bring. That food helps the host, it’s not a gift for friend’s bf.

    Since you barely know the person ask your friend if a bday card would be ok.

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