So I am in my forth week of uni(i study in my home town) and today one proffessor told us that we have to do a presentation at the end of the semester and that we will have to do it in groups of five. Then I realised that I havent made 4 friends to form a group with.
The first week started well and I talked to a few people. However, the issue is that the first dude I talked to is really quiet and doesnt talk much and he just follows me around. I really want to make new friends and not get stuck with this dude that I can only make small-talk with. Like I dont know what to talk about with him.
I think the reason I havent made any friends in uni is because I have a friend group from people that live in my town and I havent had the need to go out, as I go out with them whenever I want to.
These friends will leave in one or two years as they will study somewhere else and I am sure I will be left with no one. I feel like it is too late now as friend groups have been formed already.

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