I had sex with a guy multiple times in one night and slept at his place afterward. We’re both in our 30s. I’m female. Anyway, the sex was great, and we cuddled all night. In the morning when I left he didn’t give me eye contact, or hugged me, or talked, and just said “I hope you have a good day”, and he left for work and I left for my place. I didn’t make an effort either because I didn’t want this to seem even more one-sided.

We didn’t text at all today. Well sort of. I had to ask him a question and he just answered in 1-word responses.

I guess I’m just venting because it hurts because it seems like he’s purposely making it seem like he can’t stand me anymore. But then again, he’s been like that to me for most of the time I’ve known him.

  1. >But then again, he’s been like that to me for most of the time I’ve known him.

    Not sure why you are surprised then. Bring it up if you want, but he seems content with status quo.

  2. He got what he wanted. Now he is going to move on to his next conquest. don’t waste time thinking about him, he’s not worth it.

  3. Been there. Sounds like he doesn’t want any kind of attachment on his side or yours so he’s being as neutral as possible. I’d be done with him… he had his fun and now he’s moving on

  4. So he doesn’t make an effort, you don’t make an effort and now you’re here. Either make an effort, shoot your shot and see how it goes, or just forget about the dude.

    His behaviour from what you describe doesn’t seem really out of character and whether you want to deal with it or not has to come down to you

  5. Well, I guess theres two explanations here.

    You can go the hopefully, borderline naive route and say that possibly he was embarrassed in the morning & working all day, then out with friends in the evening.

    Or the more realistic way is that hes not interested in you & just wanted a hookup. Which really, really sucks especially if he didn’t communicate that. But thats also a lot more likely than a string of coincidences leading to him ignoring you

  6. How many dates had you gone on with this guy? If this is one date and you’re this upset, then you shouldn’t be having sex until you get become exclusive with someone. Sex does not mean commitment and so many people get confused by that.

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