In the sense of: “Wow, I didn’t realise my country could look like this.” or “Wow, I didn’t realise people in my country lived like this/had this kind of lifestyle.” Etc

  1. Valkenburg in the south, close to the border with Belgium. Most of the Netherlands looks the same and I if you’d drop me in a random place i wouldn’t be able to tell you where i am (north, east, west). It’s just all flat with some farmland between villages and the occasional river or canal. Most cities have a similar look and feel as well.
    But the south of Limburg looks very different. Not just the scenery (hills!) but the towns are also different.

  2. The first time I went to Alto Adige.

    It was really interesting to be in a part of Italy where most people spoke German as a first language! And the landscapes were extremely different from my home region (Sicily).So too was the weather,the food…everything.

  3. I visited a friend’s cabin way up in the Arctic, on an island with a permanent population of 1. The guy had broadband internet and there was a (semi) regular ferry service.

    The cabins were basic, but that’s something Norwegians like. It’s kind of a weird humble brag. “My cabin’s so shit, it doesn’t even have running water” actually means “I’m more of a rugged outdoorsman than you”.

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