*i am talking about after showering*

When I first met my bf
His dick didn’t smell,
I remember it because It was my first time seeing a dick irl so I was surprised that It didnt smell or anything.

But from the second date
It smells really bad or bit smelly even right after shower.

I asked him If he washes it, he said not with soap just water, because soap is bad for dick and soap makes it smell bad more, which is a big turn off, If dicks in general are like this I dont think I will ever have sex with men again.

my question is,
Can dick not smell at all?
My bf sweats a lot and he’s white,
If it’s sweat related, Do asian men have less dick smell?

  1. he should use soap to clean his dick, seriously

    also, have you tried using Lubricant? There are great ones out there that someone here suggested and I bought, smells like Strawberries

    >Do east asian men have less dick smell?

    dicks and balls can have a slight smell to it, its the sweat from the heat of the undies, but seriously, he should wash it properly

  2. Yeah dick isn’t supposed to smell bad… and race doesn’t have anything to do with it wth lol

  3. Is he circumcised? If he not, gross things build up in the foreskin and he should absolutely 100% be cleaning under that foreskin.

  4. Does he still have his foreskin? If he does, he should absolutely 100% be cleaning underneath that everyday. Gross things can build up quick under it

  5. His dick smells because it’s covered in bacteria. If he’s not using soap, he’s not cleaning. Soap is not bad for a penis. Tell him to wash properly or you’re not going near it.

  6. There is a smell, even after freshly washing unless really strong soap is used and I don’t necessarily find that any better. I wouldn’t say the smell is unpleasant though, just musky type smell, that I find appealing to be honest.

  7. Is this a joke? If not dump your bf immediately for poor hygiene. I’ve never heard a more bs excuse about washing your dick.

  8. Bad hygiene causes bad smells.

    There is no reason unless something medical that I can’t even think of, that would not allow someone to wash WITH SOAP. Just rinsing with water is NOT enough and just plain nasty.

    So to answer your question, yes. penises can not have a smell or can smell pleasant like soap when you wash with soap.

  9. It’s not supposed to smell, that’s probably sweat along with urine droplets. He needs to wash up better and with soap.

  10. Okay as a dude. Soap on the dick is a must. First date he obviously cleaned that dick and now his too comfortable and lazy.

  11. I’m 34 years old and I always wash my dick well and with soap. I have never had any smell or dirty complain from any girl giving me head.

    Tell him to not be fucking nasty.

  12. That’s not normal. Ewww.

    Sometimes dick can smell like nothing, it can smell like soap, or it can smell just like your person, but it shouldn’t smell bad.

  13. Tell him to wash his dick lol. And if it still smells after, maybe he needs to see a doctor. Dicks arent suppose to smell 🤢

  14. Your bf has an infection. We evolved to avoid bad smells because it signals disease. Ask him to get tested. You should be tested too.

  15. I wonder if he could have either and STI/STD or another kind of infection. There are several reasons besides poor hygiene that can cause odor. Gonorrhea or chlamydia, yeast (candida) infection, urinary tract infection, balanitis. Also, do you know if his foreskin retracts back from the head completely? If not, he could have a condition called phimosis which can cause difficulty with cleaning beneath the foreskin. All of the above require medical intervention.
    If he washes with (a mild and unscented like Dove for sensitive skin) soap and warm water beneath his foreskin there shouldn’t be an offensive or strong smell. Please use condoms for any kind of contact with his penis if there is any chance he has any kind of infection.

  16. It smells bad BECAUSE he doesn’t use soap. Tell him you’re gonna stop washing your ass and see how quick he tries to act like it’s not the same.

  17. If he has a problem with a smell it might also warrant a check up. Guys can get yeast infections and they make everyone’s junk smell bad!!

  18. I wash with soap and water, mine does not smell. Comparatively, I dated a woman who didn’t like using soap much because of the chemicals and she would wash with just water. Tbh, usually she smelled so… use soap people! ffs

  19. Dude thinks that his penis is a vagina. He can use soap anywhere from head of his penis to balls. That bf of yours need to read this asap! Save that man from this madness!

  20. Ok. Multiple wrong assumptions here.

    1. A penis should be washed like every other appendage. It WILL stink if it’s not washed with soap, and your bf is terribly misinformed.

    2. A penis is no different than an armpit or an elbow crease. Freshly after shower there’s no smell, because it’s just skin. After lots of sweating there will be a smell. Some people sweat there more than others, so some will smell worse after a while, which is WHY WE WASH OUR D*CKS.

  21. Soap doesn’t hurt the penis at all so tell hi ok m to wash his dick, ( after peeling back the foreskin if he isn’t circumcised) just needs to keep soap out of his actual urethra (pee hole)

  22. I mean. It can have a bit of a musk, even when clean. I was a bit turned off by vagina smell it first but it became an acquired taste. Maybe the same will happen with you

  23. Where the fuck did he hear that soap is bad for dick jfc? He needs to wash that thing IMMEDIATELY. This is disgusting and I don’t think you’ll be able to last with him long term if this continues.

    Dicks can absolutely not smell, especially after a fucking shower. He’s covering that shit with bacteria and can easily just wash it off himself with some soap.

  24. Soap is NOT bad for dick. Soap is a necessity for dick. Sounds like BF is the real dick here …

  25. **Google “ABCC11 Gene and Body Odor”**

    **Most Caucasians and Africans have a functioning ABCC11 gene** that codes for wet earwax and the production of specific chemical pre-cursors from the apocrine gland that essentially feeds the bacteria responsible for what we would consider “body odor” (armpit smell). Only 2% of Europeans lack this gene.

    **Most East Asians have the non-fuctioning variant of the ABCC11 gene** that codes for dry earwax and who don’t produce those same volatile compounds so they’re far less likely to have what most people would consider “body odor”. It’s why deodorant hasn’t really taken off in Asia.

    Now Eurasia is a big landmass so there’s a four-way gradient going on with gene distribution so you’re going to see less contrast in Central Asia and Eastern Europe but basically… **If you have wet earwax, you’re susceptible to body odor. If you have dry earwax, you don’t have to worry about body odor.**

    **Dick smell on the other hand…** there’s a lot of stuff happening down there over the course of a long hard day. It’s a busy, high-friction intersection. Regardless of baseline BO, you got dead skin, accumulated sweat over the course of a day, etc… throw in heat and humidity and I’m sure there’s going to be a bit of bouquet going on.

    **My personal regimen:** first thing in the morning shower, loofah, pat dry, moisturize with shea butter or coconut oil. Rinse off before sex. Always carry fragrance free wet wipes with you.

  26. Unless he has some sort of skin condition or the soap he uses is very harsh, soap is fine to use on one’s member. If the first two things I mentioned aren’t something he deals with, then he got some bad info. If he can use the soap on any other sensitive body parts, it should be fine to use on his member. If he doesn’t like the way it feels when he does, then he might should look into a different brand of soap.

  27. I genuinely laughed at this.
    Does your vagina just smell right after you shower it? Probably not bc it’s clean. Same goes for dicks.

  28. If you are having unprotected sex, then both you and your partner need to visit the doctor simultaneously, both get checked for BV, and take a break from sex as you get treated – you could be swapping the bacteria between you and the smell is a symptom for him and you may be asymptomatic.

    Dicks or vaginas should not smell bad. Get checked out when it does.

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