I am European woman and i met a guy who is from poor family in Bangladesh. We go for dates 5 months. I am his first girlfriend. He is very negative about life, feel insecure beside me and is testing my loyalty. I know he likes me but i think he feels like i am out of his league but his social status does not bother me. How to make him feel more comfortable and safe in relationship?

  1. Do you like him? Your post isn’t clear about how you feel about him. If he’s very negative about life, are you sure that’s someone you want to have a relationship with? Testing your loyalty also isn’t a great characteristic.

  2. Every relationship goes through phases…spend more time with him and see if he is more positive. How old is he by the way?

  3. If he’s testing your loyalty – he’s not worthy of you. It’s not your job to make him feel comfortable and safe – that’s his.

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