What’s the best way to make friends after finishing university?

  1. Join local clubs that interest you. Sports, trivia, arts, etc are all good starting points. Look at local bars with trivia nights and find a team in your age group and ask to join. What’s the worst that happens, they say no? Then you are right back where you started from.

  2. For me it was Olympic Weightlifting. Also my wife brought a lot of awesome people into my life when we met.

  3. I met a ton of friends at the place I currently work and some at the gym. I believe it’s a matter of trying to be social when doing the things you enjoy because more often than not if your enjoying something and they are that event or place you most likely have some sort of common interest!

  4. I used to organize a brunch club. Started out with me and a friend’s shared love for breakfast food. Turned into a fun way to make friends and meet people. On a side note, was also a great way to meet women for dating.

    Since then, I started playing ice hockey in various beer leagues. It’s also been a wonderful way to meet people. Have made close friends, have gotten dates, and hell, even got a couple job offers.

  5. Hobbies where social interaction with your fellow hobbyists is built right into the hobby.

  6. Join communities that tend to involve social aspects. I’ve met many from being a CrossFit gym member, private golf(tennis works too I’m sure) club, and recreational sports teams.
    End of the day I just have to put your “shot” out there and make yourself approachable

  7. Find a way to get actively involved somewhere on a semi-consistent basis. This could be your job, a church or house of worship, a club, a service organization, or somewhere you just show up regularly. Make an effort to talk to people and if someone invites you say yes and try to make it. It takes time and initiative but that is all there is to it.

  8. Pick up a sport or hobby. Coworkers in your future job may have common interests. Connect and bond over that etc.

  9. work. especially if you work somewhere social like a restaurant (i did that part time).

  10. Seriously, DnD! I joined a group at a local boardgame cafe and we all clicked really well. now we all hangout pretty regularly outside of DnD. One of the girls invited us to her Halloween party and I met a ton of new people there. Lots of the time once you meet one person it opens the door to new people.

  11. Don’t overthink it: just **DO THINGS.** Join clubs/organizations (google helps with this one), go to the gym, speak to the staff at the coffee shop you go to often. Just align yourself with things you genuinely enjoy and that’s a start.

    For me the hardest part is making time/continuing to make more after finding a couple groups. Work can overload my schedule sometimes so having hobbies can feel impossible sometimes.

  12. Meeting them through other friends. That’s how I get all my friends these days. If you have none somewhere, make one or two with everyone else’s suggestions and branch out from there.

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