Recently I (26F) developed a crush on someone (30M) I met in real life. It’s been several years since I’ve been truly interested in someone I didn’t meet on a dating app. And I feel like it shows. I get nervous and feel like I babble or get annoying when I talk to him.

With people on dating apps, I felt like it took the pressure off cause we met under the understanding that we were both at least somewhat interested in each other. But I don’t know what he thinks of me and I’m slowly driving myself mad.

I’ve been working up the courage to ask him to a casual lunch but I’m worried that I’ll just embarrass myself cause I get really nervous around him. Any advice?

  1. Ask him out ASAP so there’s no chance of something really embarassing happening before you ask him out. But really, you’re a woman: you don’t need to come across as a confident rock, men aren’t nearly as turned off by nervousness as women are.

  2. Hey it’s ok to Be nervous and is actually pretty endearing. Go easy on yourself! Start small and make basic conversation that is situationally appropriate for the moment – do this until you feel more at ease talking to Him. Hopefully somewhere along the way you can figure out if he is even single and attracted to women or women like you. Maybe he will ask you out

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