I always finding myself wanting to engage in small talk with somebody just so I can have a chance at making a friend, or maybe throw a random compliment here or there, but I always overthink it and stop myself because I don’t want people to think I’m creepy or something by talking to them out of nowhere. Especially when it’s a girl, because as a guy, I’ve heard too many stories of creepy dudes and I don’t want to make anybody uncomfortable. I’m also extremely awkward most of the time which does not help at all lmao.

If it helps at all, I’m a freshman in college.

  1. I think you answered your question in the title.

    Worrying about a potential outcome that may or may not occur, is pretty senseless. Keep it casual and don’t worry about ficticious outcomes that exist only as a projection in your head.

    Life is for the living. Go and enjoy it.

  2. – Everyone has a personality. “Act normally” isn’t technically a thing – there is only behaviors that are common socially and behaviors that aren’t
    – Figuring out what’s common and therefore “normal” and what isn’t is a process and a skill. You develop and hone this skill by learning it and practicing it.
    – Watch some “Charisma on Command”, or anything with enough views on Youtube when you search “social skills” and see if that helps.
    – In any interaction, keep an eye on whether what you said and how you said it was met with a positive, neutral or negative reaction and whether the same keeps happening with different conversational partners.

  3. Stop thinking entirely, and just live in the present moment.

    Stop thinking about the future that hasn’t happened or the past that’s already gone.

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