Hi, I’m a 25 yr old female who has been going to the same gym for about a year and I have developed a small crush on a guy I see often. How does one approach a guy? Is it better to ask for his number or should I give him mine?

  1. I would think sharing a phone number is better than asking for one, this way they can make a decision whether to reach out to you or not, but I think just asking to exchange numbers is an even better way.

    If I were approached at the gym, a good way to start is probably to complement on the progress, especially since you’ve seen them workout for a while now. Have a short conversation, and then ask if he would like to hang out sometime and exchange contact info.

  2. I would approach him after he’s done at the gym. Most people aren’t there to be approached. They want to get in and do their thing and get out. Wait until he’s done and then suggest a coffee date or something. If that goes well then give him your number and say hey Freddy, let’s do this again sometime.

  3. Don’t just ask him out right away. Do you see him there often? If so, try to introduce yourself the next time you see him. A simple “Hey, I see you working out here pretty often, what’s your name? I’m ___”. Then make some small talk, just 30 seconds to 2 minutes max. See if the vibes are there. Then you tell him to have a nice workout and that you’ll see him around. Cool, now you have a gym friend, and you guys can chat whenever you see each other at the gym now. Just regular friendly gym conversation. After a few weeks or months of this, if you get the vibe that he might like you back, then you can shoot your shot and see if he wants to go get a smoothie after the gym. This is a lot more natural and a lot more likely to go successfully. As opposed to just walking up to him and putting him on the spot to either accept your offer or reject you.

  4. Do not recomend, but if you’re really convinced of this, just gather the courage, grab your balls (ovaries) walk stright up to him whenever he’s alone and tell him “I think you’re cute. We should go out someday.”

    That’s it.

    Still, do not recomend.

  5. Typical gym etiquette.

    Any woman can approach any man.

    No man can approach any woman.

    For a myriad of social reasons, but basically, a woman approaching a man at the gym doesn’t affect his comfort.

    A man approaching a woman at the gym, *can* potentially make her uncomfortable. It is the gym staff duty of care to provide a safe environment for their clients.

    So for you, just approach, introduce yourself, flirt, give him your number, tell him when you’re available. That’s it. Very simple. Wish it was that simple for guys, but that’s the world we live in.

  6. You can do whatever you like since you’re a girl. It’d never be weird.

    If it was a guy though… that’d be sketchy… everyone around would be judgmental towards him and if she reacts in a negative way he’d likely just have to go to a new gym

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