What about your partner excites you?

  1. I have a lot of issues with depression/anxiety that cause imposter syndrome and worthiness issues. I never feel that people value/like/love me as much as I do them, which can have a habit of making me clingy/needy.


    I don’t have this issue with my wife. I know, 100% without a shadow of a doubt that she loves me with everything she has. This is exciting because she becomes my safe space, my home, somewhere I can relax and just… be.

  2. Nothing about my wife really excites me, and never really did. I’m not sure how right or wrong that is. She’s a source of comfort and stability, though.

  3. She’s younger, keeps it casual, and for some baffling reason likes me and keeps in touch, even if I’m away for long. And doesn’t make me break bank like women closer to
    My age .

  4. She is finally finding a career that she’s passionate about. She’s grown a ton as a person since we met and I’m excited to see where she’s going.

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