Lately I have been feeling unhappy in my relationship, but people often say relationships are not easy, you have to work together with your partner and communicate and compromise.
So when do you know it’s time to just end it or when it’s time you need to sit down and try and work it out?

  1. if youre feeling unhappy thats a sign that its time to sit down and talk about it,try to work it out. ask ur partner to help u with whatever ur struggling about the relationship.

  2. It will depend from person to person, I believe. Some people are more tolerant and some people are not.

    For ME at least I always feel that when reciprocity is gone and I’m always giving more than receiving it might be the time to walk away. Of course, after talking on the matter an trying to solve it without arguing.

    Nothing is worth more than your peace and only you will know which way you’ll feel more peaceful: alone or in a relationship.

  3. That line is different for everyone, unfortunately. Obviously, if there’s abuse happening (physical/emotional/sexual), it’s time to go. If there’s none of that, it’s harder. If you’re unhappy in the relationship, then at MINIMUM you need to have a conversation with your partner and see if you guys can fix things. If they’re not willing to work on things with you, then there’s not much you can do. 😕

  4. Relationships aren’t easy because people aren’t easy! It’s so important to sit down alone and figure out what you want out of a relationship and what makes you happy or unhappy. If you have more negative stuff that positive then it starts getting to the point where you have to ask whether it’s the right person or not! Then when you know what you want it’s about getting back into dating and seeing if people are right for you – rather than trying to get everyone to be right for you! The right person won’t have to ask because it’ll be obvious. Hopefully this is helpful

  5. Whenever you aren’t happy or there is a problem, you should always have an open and honest discussion about it with your partner. If despite having these conversations nothing gets solved, and you’re constantly miserable, then it’s time to walk away because your partner has consistently shown by their actions that they don’t care to work on the relationship with you.

  6. If none of your needs are being met in this relationship, if you have bent to the point that you don’t even recognize yourself anymore, when you feel miserable inside all the time, it’s time.

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