It seems most guys I’ve run into have been into rough sex, although I’ve been too scared to try it as I was abused in my previous relationship. The guys are always respectful of that and are careful with me. But the thing is I get curious about rough sex, I wanna try it (just too nervous rn, maybe if I find someone I’m extra comfortable with), but like what is the appeal/ what makes it fun/ nice?

  1. I get aroused when my hair is pulled and my ass is slapped. I think it feels good when I’m being fucked hard. And it gets even more fun if you cum and he doesn’t stop so you’re forced to cum over and over
    Being relaxed/comfortable is key though

  2. It’s just something I enjoy it came naturally. I have no life trauma or reason why. It’s just what my body/mind likes

  3. It can be a fun game where you both get to act out a different persona or side of yourself than you normally have. I also think it’s fun because there’s this feeling of animalistic desire, like wanting it so bad that you don’t care if it’s rough. It’s also an expression of trust, like my boyfriend can slightly choke me but I trust he will stop as soon as I indicate to. The feeling of giving up control or taking control can be a lot of fun. (I’m a switch so, have played both sides). I also think there’s a taboo aspect to it; like, when I was younger, I used to be very self conscious of how high my libido was compared to how women are “supposed” to be, so being called a slut in bed is fun because instead of having to feel bad about something, it becomes like a compliment? It disarms the negativity associated with that thing. I think that’s why some guys get off on being told they have a small dick or stuff like that. If something turns you on, it’s hard to feel bad about it anymore.

  4. Just be aware you might not like it. Start small, don’t force yourself just because some other people enjoy it. If you dont like it there is nothing wrong with you.

  5. i think it’s the trill of totally abandoning yourself to him. (potential trigger for you?), giving yourself to be used knowing there is nothing you can do to stop him doing whatever he wants, however he wants, taking you and owning you with his pleasure being all that matters. it frees your mind from any responsibility or requirement to perform or any guilt about how you respond and it’s raw, urgent and animalistic. on the physical side the harder thrusting, that ass slaps, hair pulling and being roughly turned and pulled gives a more intense experience. personally it has to include anal for me because i love it; it is the ultimate submission for me. if you do try it, tell him anything you Really don’t want and have a safe word just in case. Only do this with someone you really trust and are attracted to. good luck and enjoy

  6. I’ve never really understood the idea of pain during sex for me it’s a complete turn off. However, there are a lot of people who like it. I wouldn’t be able to stay in a relationship with a man who likes rough sex

  7. Its the extra contact, the sounds, the look a butt gets afer being “used” more rougthly. Her hair becoming wilder, her small noises of pain and plesure, at the same time. Its a primal feeling, to see her turn from a well dressed and goood looking lady, to a woman, ready to use what nature build her for.

    And then the aftercare, the huis all the sweeter because of the extra feelings, the making sure both are still oke and the talk afer are just the best!

    All in all, if limits are set propprly, and safty firsted is used, its my faverate sex style, rigth before shibari+sex

  8. I doubt my reasons match alot of others but for me it’s her pleasure.

    I am not into super hatdcore sex but honestly when I use my wife for my own pleasure and then feel between her legs and find a waterfall? Then when we move to sex and her orgasms just seem to roll one into the other. Yep, knowing she wants to please me so bad that I can (within reason) take what I want and use her. Knowing I can push her past all her normal boundaries a bit. Best feeling ever.

    For what it’s worth though it should always be discussed first. I would never want rough sex with anyone who wasn’t 110% trusting and comfortable with me.

  9. I personally like it cuz i like to be dominated, rough sex also just brings a different vibe to the sex itself, we both can just let out steam. I also enjoy rough sex more cuz thats how i squirt the most, and it just turns on my partner even more so he gose harder, win-win situation.

  10. My perspective (m) – in my teens and even twenties I would never have ever considered rough sex, it was taboo and “degrading”, apparently in my mind’s eye.

    Ffw to my 30’s where I was more confident to discuss sex with women and I would say 90% (give or take a little) have not only said they prefer it, but when asked about their sexual fantasies, the general consensus has been a CNC type scenario. It seems the animalistic desire from a man is a huge turn on.

  11. There is just something about someone who is sweet on the street, but rough in the sheets. Like a side of them only you get. I also don’t like people to hold back so it makes sense for me.

  12. There are multiple aspects to it i think. For example being thrown around is fun because it makes you feel small but obviously you only do that with someone you really trust so you also feel safe the entire time and it’s sexy that the guy can just lift you up or push you around so easily, it’s a display of strength which playa into the primal strong = manly concept. Then there is the hard and / or fast thrusting which just feels nice if you’re in the mood for that. Being manhandled by having your hair pulled, your neck grabbed, your butt slapped, etc. can also feel great though everyone here has a different threshhold for the intensity and how long the pain feels good versus actually painful. It’s also fun and exhilarating to see and hear a man loose himself in pleasure like that and knowing you’re the cause of that.

  13. Same as the appeal with spicy food, having pleasure and pain receptors activated at the same time is a total party. Add in some psychological aspects as an emotional intensifier and wow!!

  14. I have trauma from S/A but it took me a couple years to even enter back into dating or sex scene. after I was able to, I found myself liking kinks such as rough sex or CNC.
    I always wondered why especially when I dealt with SA/R but the conclusion I came to is that when you’re doing it with someone you genuinely trust and care for, you know ultimately you have control. if you ever said a safe word or indicated to not enjoying to, your partner would (should!) stop. I like having that control as someone who has been abused and taken advantage from a situation where I had none.

    lots of appeals to it, for me it seems so much more intense and exciting compared to vanilla sex which genuinely can’t remember last time I even had. I think mixed with other kinks it just makes it super fun and I like pushing boundaries.

    not everyone enjoys it so I would just go at your own pace, I would even recommend researching kinks and looking into r/bdsmcommunity as everyone’s super open there about their experiences or general good advice for newbies

  15. I like getting railed because I can physically feel it more. The spanking, hair pulling, that stuff is fine, but that’s definitely a Him thing that I don’t mind, not something I’m specifically into. But him being into it means he’s having more fun and feeling better too, fucking me harder, and that means we’re both winning

  16. I personally like it because it’s the one time in my life I can step back and not be in control. I get to truly relax and be thrown around. That’s very appealing to me. It’s intense and euphoric. I also like things to hurt a little, some people find pleasure in pain.

  17. No shame in trying it out, I was like that before, and now I’m taking a dildo & a dick in the front. At the moment im trying to work on not getting scared of taking it from the back. It takes time so don’t force it.

  18. It’s just fun to do. I’m particularly flexible so I like to be stretched out and limit test all kinds of positions while being spanked and bitten :^

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